Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

Lastiver - a place from a fairy-tale

Imagine a fairy-tale nature of the dark forest in the mountains, tall trees and clouds that stuck in the trees, impassable trails, torrents of mountain rivers, steep slopes and ... a cave.

The picturesque valley of Hachahbyur river to the west from Ijevan, Armenia, called Lastiver, is amazing in its beauty. Lastiver is not just a cave in the valley of Hachahbyur River, but also an area surrounded with forest, river and waterfalls.

The name of this cave is translated from Armenian as "up the raft." Why such an unusual name?

There is a common explanation. The cave is located on the slope of a very steep gorge. The villagers of the Yenokavan village had to build a log ladder to be able to get to the gorge, which is located three kilometers from the river Hachahbyur. The staircase was like a kind of a vertical raft, on which people went up and down in the gorge. So the name of this place became popularly known as Lastiver - "up the raft."

The peculiar terrain, waterfalls, green forests make Lastiver a favorite tourist destination. Surely, only the lazy did not happen here. It is noteworthy that Lastiver remains a popular destination for many years.

Lastiver causes interest among archaeologists and historians, as well as local residents and tourists.

People with different interests come to Lastiver and always find everything they need. Lovers of beautiful scenery get remarkable experiences and share them with friends. Photographers come seeking unusual frame. Families and friends come to the picnic. Tourists and lovers of hiking the mountains often set tents and stay for a few days. In summer it is cool here and people come to relax from the city heat and stuffiness. In the winter explorers can see the beauty of the forests in the snow, and have an opportunity to exercise extreme mountain hiking. Extraordinarily beautiful 

Lastiver is in the autumn, when the forests are full of all sorts of colors - from bright green to burgundy red.

Noteworthy is also the history of the caves. There is a belief that in XIII-XIV centuries in these caves local people hid from invaders. After a close examination of the drawings on the rocks of the cave, you can see the entire scenes from their life. Lastiver leaves a deep lifetime impression from a trip to Armenia. Its beautiful nature - caves, gorges, forests, waterfalls, and, of course, rocks, rocks and rocks again will never leave you indifferent.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

Новый Год в Армении

Новый год - один из самых любимых праздников в АрменииОн отмечается 31-ого декабря и продолжается до 7 - го января, так как 6 - ого наступает Рождество Христово.  

Эти зимние праздники армяне празднуют с особым вдохновением. Готовятся за 2 – 3 недели. Везде приятная предпраздничная суета, все куда то спешат, делают покупки, выбирают подарки …

Дома наряжается елка, а за несколько дней уже начинаются приготовления традиционных праздничных армянских блюд.  В последние годы в меню вошли так же блюда разных стран, но армянская толма и гата являются обязательными составляющими праздничного стола …

За несколько минут до наступления 12-и часов, все члены семьи собираются за столом, чтобы проводить старый и встретить новый год вместе. Радуются все, ведь новый год приносит новые надежды и мечты.  После 12-и соседи уже стучатся в дверь … так и празднуют до утра  …

Праздничная суета конечно приятная, но для армянских женщин этот праздник так же полон забот, поэтому те кто хотят отмечать новый год в узком кругу семьи или друзей приезжают в прекрасный горнолыжный курорт Цахкадзор. Где так же можно очень интересно провести праздничные дни  -  Снег, горные лыжи, новогодний дух …

Армения - страна где даже зимой тепло. Это теплота исходит из душ самых гостеприимных людей в мире …

Приезжайте, будем праздновать вместе :)

Jumat, 13 November 2015

Ancient Armenian Roots of Winemaking

Armenia is an ancient land one of the world's oldest civilizations and since ancient days Armenia was famous for th wine making.

Talking about the history of wine-making it should be said that Forefather Noah was the first winemaker according to the Biblical legend. 
The grape was planted in the slope of Mount Ararat.

Armenians are noted as one of the first nations making wine and in accordance with scientifically proved data it has 6000 year history. 

In 401 BC, when the Greek armies were passes on the Armenia, called that time Nairi, in houses they found wine, kept in deep dugouts called as "karas".

In June of 2010 National Geographic Society announced that near the village of Areni, in the same cave where  was found the world's oldest shoe dating back 5,500 years group of Armenian, U.S. and Irish archaeologists found the world oldest winery.

"For the first time, we have a complete archaeological picture of wine production dating back 6,100 years," said Gregory Areshian, co-director of the excavation and assistant director of the University of California Los Angeles's Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.

They found a rudimentary wine press and a clay vat surrounded by grape seeds, grape vines and even a cup and drinking bowl. The seeds belonged to a domesticated grape variety, known as Vitis vinifera vinifera, that is still used to make red wine today, the team reported.  Also they suppose thet wine was likely used for ceremonial purposes since the press and wine jugs were found near grave sites,

It should be mentioned that from ancient times till now Armenian wine makers keep the traditions of wine making. Today in Armenia there are about 40 companies which produce more than 100 types of wine.

Come to Armenia to test the best wine sorts made by ancient Armenian traditions!!!

Jumat, 06 November 2015

6 Interesting facts about Armenia

1. According to legend the Armenians are the descendents of Haik, a powefull person who didn’t want to live in Babelon under the brutal rule of the King Bel. He took his sons, grandsons, all his big family and moved from Mesopotamia to the north, to Highlands around the Mountain Ararat. But Bel decided to revenge and capture the fugitive family and came with his army to conquer Haik. The battle took place in Ararat Valley and Haik’s family beat the Bels army. It was about xx century B.C.

Since then they lived in freedom and they gave birth to a whole nation – Armenians (Armenian call themselves Hai by the name of their ancestor Haik).

2. The present Capital of Armenia Yerevan was founded in 782 B.C. The name of the initial castle was Erebouni. It is even older than the Eternal City – Rome. There were numerous nice churches and monasteries in Yerevan. Unfortunately in 30s the Bolsheviks ruined almost all of them. Church Zoravor is one of the few survivors. One of nicest Mosques in the Southern Caucasus is the

Blue Mosque in downtown Yerevan. This is a memory from periods of Persian rule in Eastern Armenia.

3. In 2001 Armenia celebrated its 1700th Anniversary of Christianity. In 301 Armenia became the first nation in the world that officially adopted Christianity as the religion of the State.   To commemorate this extremely important event of its history the people of Armenia   constructed an impressive cathedral named after Gregory the Enlightener, the person who convinced the King Trdat to turn Armenian into Christianity and later became the first Catholicos and Supreme Patriarch of the of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

4. One of the wonders in Armenia is Matenadaran. The word means a depository of ancient manuscripts. Here about 17000 manuscripts are kept under special conditions. This is one of the
biggest collections of the manuscripts in the world.  The most unique items are displayed in the Matenadaran Museum.

5. The museum complex is located at the Republic Square which is the center of Yerevan.  The Museum of History introduces absolutely fascinating archeological findings which is the material proof of the ancient history of Armenia. The Tower of the complex is the National Art Gallery. The exclusively rich collections of paintings are made by the famous French, Dutch, Italian, German, Russian and Armenian artists.

6. Sport Concert Complex is a modern building with quite an creative architectural solutions. It has two main halls and there is a rotating tribune between these two halls. Depending on       necessity it can be used either for enlargement of the Sport Hall or the Concert Hall.

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Nagorno Karabakh is an ancient part of Armenia

The Bolshevik Government in Russia aligned with Germany (1918) and later with Turkey (1920). As a result of this betrayal Turkey started a new war against the young Republic of Armenia. At the same time Bolsheviks attacked Armenia from the east.   Being a member of Antante, the Armenian Government appealed to the British Government, but the answer was disappointing: “sorry, our vessels can’t climb your mountains”.  The Armenian Government decided to transfer power to the Bolsheviks with the hope that they could rescue the country. But the Armenian Bolsheviks were not successful and Armenia, having yielded significant territories to Turkey & Azerbaijan (Karabakh and Nakhichevan), established the Soviet Republic of Armenia on only one-tenth of its historic territory.

The Republic of Armenia in spite of the boundaries of the Soviet regime managed to achieve significant success in the development of almost all spheres of the economy, science, culture and art. All of these are expressed in a sort of a quintessence in the Capital of Armenia, Yerevan.

In 1988 the population of the Autonomous Region of Nagorno Karabakh initiated a movement of reuniting with their motherland, Armenia. Tough repressive measures were taken against Armenians by the Soviet government and by the authorities of Azerbaijan. Demonstrations were responded to by the massacres of Armenians in the different cities of Azerbaijan including the capital city Baku.

In 1991 the Soviet Union was dissolved. As a result, Azerbaijan declared its independence.  Nogorno Karabakh carried out a referendum and based on the results of this referendum also declared its independence. In 1992 Azerbaijan initiated a war against Nagorno Karabakh which lasted until the present ceasefire agreement of 1994.

On September 21, 1991, the Republic of Armenia declared independence from the Soviet regime. It still suffers from the unresolved Karabakh issue and is blockaded on two sides (Azerbaijan and Turkey). But in spite of hardship, the tiny country enjoys a free and independent life.

Rabu, 09 September 2015

World Longest Strudel - Armenia Marriot

Fall in Armenia is the most beautiful season for tourists.  Our sunny and pink Yerevan welcomes thousands of guests, who mostly like to stay Central Yerevan.  Daytime is still warm, however evening get wonderfully cool, and Central Yerevan, Republic Square, around Opera House, Victory and other parks and alleys fill will pedestrians, young, middle-age, children, guests and locals.

And what was going on 8 September, 2015 in Republic Square?

If you were having your evening walk, you would see the following... Just click in the video and see.  If you enjoy, please let us know :)!

Minggu, 06 September 2015

Sunday Liturgy in Holy Echmiadzin

Armenians love to go to the church on Sundays.  This is a sacred day, when after six days of work people spend time in relation with God. They separate themselves of all problems and personal relationships, set aside future plans, tasks, to do-s, and in the church, under the deeply touching holy hymns emerge into the presence of our Lord.

In the inner silence they recall what have they done that wasn't glorifying the Lord, think of the days, when in the hassle of the life they had misbehaved, made mistakes, didn't do what would have been good for everyone, had been selfish, inconsiderate, greedy, and many other things.

In this video they are well-known people, you will recognize.  If you know them, leave your comment in our blog.  If you are in Armenia, you should also join the army and believers and let Jesus give you new life.
Ամէն հայի սրտից բխած, Amen hayi s@rtic bkhac
Լսիր այս ձայն, ով Աստուած. Lsir ays dzayn, ov Astvac
Երկար կեանք տուր Հայրապետին, Yerkar kyanq tur Hayrapetin
Երկար օրեր Հայոց Հօր. Yerkar orer Hayoc horn
Տէր, անսասան պահիր դու միշտ Ter, ansasan pahir Du misht
Քո իսկ հիմնած Մայր Աթոռ։ Qo isk himnac Mayr Ator

May you be blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Back to School Time in Yerevan

September 1 is an excitement for children, students, parents in Armenia.  Some employers even give a day off to parents who have first grade pupils, because everyone gathers around the schools and watch children so wonderfully joyful with their beautiful eyes open, want to see their kids' first serious step towards growth.

Schools, Universities, Collages, all together start their academic year, and Yerevan decorates even more by multiples of pupils and students, talking, walking, discussing their new studies, teachers, friends, and with the colors of flowers, schools bags, held by school kids.  The most excited are the first graders.  Their eyes are so curious, so happy, so hopeful and open.

Let us only watch them in the class, where they all share what they know on their very first step entering new life of study, accomplishment and growing!

We want to share here 2 minutes video of a class of 2008 in the School # 161.  Look at these kids!

If you find more and interesting videos, you want to share with us, please come to our blog and post here.

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Videos of Armenian Kids Performing

September is coming, back to school season, when our children are getting ready to get to their studies again, after long vacation and summer time rest.  Month of September associates with children, excitements of first graders, parks and streets are full of pupils, alone, in groups, with parents.  All of a sudden, Ponchikanoc (Armenian Donuts' place) gets even more crowded, especially after classes ...

Drivers should be careful, children are allover, crossing the streets, engaged in hot discussions of their new classmates, teachers, lessons.

We decided to do a quick search on YouTube and find Armenian talented, lovely, kids and share here in our blog, for fun and warmth.

Here they are 5 videos, you would love:

1.  A boy that plays duduk during a wedding.  Very professional :) the guests even forget the main purpose of the gathering :)

2. Counting :) Lovely song by Elmira and Alla.  Mek, yerku, yereq, chors ...

3. Maria in the kindergarten, trying to paint a leaf, which is blown by the wind.  She tries really hard to perform and be the best :)

4. Maria reciting well known poem "Kikos' Death :)  Gnaci vati, uneca voti ... :D

5. Oh this drummer is just very funny :)))

Little Margarita, living in Holland, she learned Armenian Alphabet and you can see how she recites the letters and how her smaller sister also wants to say something :)

If you could find other funny and lovely kids' performing, you can share your videos on this blog.

Waiting to see your shares :) 

Armenian Diaspora Power of Armenia

I watched a dance (see posted at the end of this note) and emerged in a thought which wanted to share with you.  This is what came to me while looking at the brave and strong movements of young men, with the audience joining into a charming choir.

It's not about talking of the topic that harms us Armenians to the deep.  It is not about why we Armenians had been spread out away from our home country, working hard to keep the identity, and making our kids speak "Hayeren".  It's not about the numbers, and geographic locations of the Armenian Diaspora, and that we are more outside than inside Armenia. Its not about wars, hardships, hungers, killings.  It is not about today's economic crisis, strange unemployment and closure of small businesses, which leads to increase of Armenian Diaspora Community.  Yes, Diaspora is our pain; we really hoped to be all together in Armenia, talking, thinking, breathing Armenian, struggling to build Hayastan!  However, I want to share a thought that is in my heart deeply appreciating everything which happens in our nation's history; good or bad, turning into good for all of us and for even all of the world.

This note is about the Power of Diaspora. I've been to many countries, Israel, Russia, US, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, etc. When people ask me, what I saw and what I experienced, do you know, what I say?  I meet Armenians; I meet them allover the world, in small and large cities, in provinces, villages, cultural places, dining areas, in the streets. They all talk about Armenia, they all want to know how is Armenia doing, they keep their vacations and try every year travel to their homeland.  Yes, Hayastan is their homeland, strong backing.  You don't know, but if something happens to Armenia, their homeland, they all will stand to protect, pray and support.  Whatever happens to us Armenians is to the best, if we stay in Faith and keep our Love.

What do you think, when you watch them?  

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Short History of Ancient Armenia

The article is about ancient times of Armenia. This is helpful information for travelers who want to travel to Armenia.

Armenia is among sites of earliest life. Evidence of prehistoric humankind have been found in caves and open air settlements here. From 9-7 BC on the territory of Armenia was established one of the most powerful empires of the ancient world, the Urartian, or Van Kingdom, noted for its canonized architectural principles and proportional systems of separate buildings. The first cities with systemized layouts and landscape terra-forming features started to emerge (Erebuni, Teyshebaini, Tushpa, Argishtikhinili, etc.). The arts of jewelry, ceramics, armory forging, stone and bronze sculpture reached utmost development.

The Hellenistic culture (4 BC – 3 AD) heavily influenced portions of Armenia that remain until today. Cities such as Armavir, Arshamashat, Ervandashat, Tigranakert, Artashat date to that time. (The latter was named by Greek chronologist Plutarch as the “Armenian Carthagena”, most probably because the Artashat defense walls and castle towers were built on the advice of the greatest warriors of the ancient world Hannibal.)

The Kingdom of Armenia enjoyed its most powerful world influence in the 1st century BC under the reign of Tigran the Great. The wise and powerful leader built a strong state which started to compete in this region with the Roman Empire. But the Romans’ second effort, led by Pompeus, successfully took part of Armenia. But, conceding to the stubborn resistance of the Armenian Highlanders, Rome gave up the notion of making another empire province. Instead, Emperor Nero invited Armenian King Trdat the First to Rome and officially inaugurated him King of Armenia. Armenia kept her independence, but under the patronage of the Roman Empire.

The emerging of Christianity was another crucial event in the history of Armenia.  Two disciples of Christ, Thaddeus and Bartholomew, were the first Christians that came to Armenia, bringing with them relics of Christ’s crucifixion and the gospel of the new ideology.

In 301 A.D. Armenia became the first country in the world to adopt Christianity as the official religion of the state. For Armenian culture the adoption of Christianity has had a unique significance. In order to immortalize and advocate the new ideology a principally new culture was developed: Quadrate temples decorated with biblical scenes, cross-stones, church architecture.

Then, in 404 A.D. MesropMashtots, a Christian priest, created the Armenian alphabet, which remains unchanged to this day. With the written word came the translation of the Bible, historic, spiritual, philosophical and scientific works, colorfully illustrated in the first examples of miniature painting.

In 428 AD the Armenian Arshakunian Dynasty collapsed and Armenia became a semi-independent state under the dominion of Sassanian Iran (481-640). In this period a new form of church architecture was developed – churches with cross-like layouts and central domes.

In 640 Armenia was conquered by the Arabian Caliphate. It regained independence in the 9th centuryand until 1045 was united under the Bagratunyan Dynasty. The capital city of Armenia was Ani with a population of around 100,000 that became one of the biggest trade and handcraft centers of the Middle East. Exclusive development was achieved in the spheres of architecture, in particular church construction. Ani was called a city of 1001 churches.

In 1071 after the Manazkert battle together with a number of eastern territories of the Byzantine Empire Armenia also appeared under the control of the Turk Seljuk reign.

In a period known as the Armenian Renaissance (10th to13th centuries) the Zakaryan family united Armenia and Georgia under one power. Under Zakaryan reign the economic and spiritual renaissance gave impetus for a new wave of development in architecture. The construction of powerful castles and monastery complexes included almost the whole territory of historic Armenia. Miniature painting, literature, spiritual music, classical architecture and the art of cross-stone carving continued to develop even in the period of Mongolian power.

From the middle of the 14th  century Armenia was conquered by a number of nomadic tribes and lost its independence and its chance to further develop its spiritual and cultural communities.
But in the middle of the 17th century there was a visible revival in architecture and in creating frescoes and manuscripts.

In the first quarter of the 19th century the north-eastern parts of Armenia were joined to the Russian Empire. Though the Russian Empire itself wasn’t a democratic country and rights of colonized nations were not respected, nevertheless it was much better than life under Ottoman rule. So Armenians living in Western Armenia were envying the destiny of Eastern Armenians. This notion contributed to the worst tragedy in the history of Armenia. During the First World War a well-planned genocide was organized and accomplished by Ottoman Turkey on the territory of the whole historic Armenia currently within the boundaries of Turkey. The Armenian population was completely annihilated or expelled, and historic cultural valuables were methodically destroyed.

At the end of The First Word War both empires – Ottoman and Russian collapsed. In 1918 the Republic of Armenia was established. This new Republic immediately joined the Antante. The Paris Peace Treaty restored the sovereignty of Armenians on the territory of East Armenia and part of West Armenia with a free access to sea.

Take a Christian Tour to Armenia and experience the culture and people.

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

Armenia's Got Talents!

You cannot learn this, it has to be graced by God.  They come naturally, in their warm and bright colors, with lively and clear eyes.

Look for them everywhere; in the schools, at kindergardens, in the streets, in the homes, in Yerevan, in the villages.  

Agree?  Let's just look around, let's discover them.  Just watch this vidoe and get inspired, find out more granted talents and share with us, we will publisize here, for everyone to enjoy visiting, experiencing Armenia's love!

More interesting information in this Global TV Channel.  Please share with us here if you know other awesome clips and videos.  We will all watch them with love!

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Armenia by CNN - On the Road of Armenia

In this beautiful journey in Armenia CNN shares impressions of nowadays Armenia and also tells the history, connecting both present and the past of old, but still young Armenia!

This is a warm presentation of the country spirit, emotional show of Armenia's energy and love.

If I were not Armenian, I would want to experience Armenia, see this miracle of both challenges and accomplishments, emotions that are energetic.

Watch the video and fell in love with the people of Armenia!

You will see economy, IT industry, children, chess, habits, all on a passion that one would indeed want to travel to Armenia and be part of the traditions, power and lively environment.  

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Armenian National Food

Armenian is a country rich with flavoursome and fragrant fruits and vegetables, of which its cultivation is one of the leading sectors of Armenian agriculture. Their uniquely succulent taste not only appreciated within Armenia but worldwide, can perhaps be attributed to Armenia’s favourable climate and the purity of its water sources.

Armenian cuisine is one of the oldest in the world. The cuisine is rich in both vegetables and meat and incorporates an extensive use of various herbs and spices. It is said that Armenians chefs use over 300 various types of wild flowers and herbs as seasoning. The most popular Armenian dishes are presented below.

It is almost impossible to image an Armenian meal with the absence of meat, especially Tolma. This 
flavoursome meat dish is really a must for one who wants to experience local dining. There are several variations of Tolma in Armenia. One of them being prepared from minced meat wrapped in grape leaves -which is almost always served with garlic yoghurt. The second most popular alternative is “Summer Tolma” where minced meat is wrapped in cabbage leaves or used as stuffing inside various seasonal vegetables such as eggplants, green peppers and tomatoes. During the preparation process, one can smell the aroma of succulent fresh vegetables along with all the famous herbs and spices which are infused as part of the filling. 

Jengyalov hats
Within the eastern enclave of the Armenian highlands, there is the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a place famous for its picturesque landscapes and appetising cuisine. Amongst its various local recipes, its most famous would be “Jengyalov hats”, a must for anyone travelling to the region. Namely a bread dish, it constitutes 21 various types of green leafy herbs, finely chopped and used as a filling inside a thin layer of home made bread. The bread is baked on the burning hot brazier named a “sadj” and is tastiest when served hot, straight from the sadj! The preparation of “Jengyalov hats” has become an established gastronomical tradition over many centuries, gathering all of one’s relatives to be involved in the preparation process.

An Armenian meal cannot be complete without bread. Armenia is famous for its production of a particular type of bread, namely “Lavash”, which dates back centuries. “Lavash” is currently listed on the UNESCO world heritage register. This famous bread takes form in a very soft, thin and unleavened appearance baked in a special oven, the “tonir”. “Lavash” bread is paper thin, and can be used as a wrap for anything starting from cheese to fruits. However if you care to try one of the more traditional Armenian sandwiches, one might suggest adding some white cheese along with various greens such as coriander, basil, parsley and tarragon.

Gata is one of Armenia’s famous pastries. Much like the abovementioned “lavash”, Gata is also baked in a “tonir”. It can be best described as a doughy pastry stuffed with butter and sugar, and sometimes crispy on the outside. In the preparation of Gata, Armenians use a fairly simple array of ingredients however this particular dessert can also be transformed into small unusually delicious cookies. Puff pastry is first prepared, which is then greased with butter and sugar. The dough is then rolled and cut into smaller pieces, and the result – small, soft cookies that melt in your mouth!

Barbecue or “Khorovats”
Armenian barbecue, or best known as “Khorovats” is one other Armenian national food which one must taste upon their visit to Armenia. Khorovats is usually served with grilled seasonal vegetables. It can be said to be one of the favourites of Armenians in the region. Barbecue is of course a meat dish which is well known in all regions of the world, however however the Armenians have a unique way of preparing their own “khorovats”. In Armenia, traditionally only men are involved in the preparation process of this barbecue dish. They are expected to purchase all the necessary products prior, and furthermore prepare the special marinade for meat. Another national peculiarity is a vegetable side-dish prepared from tomatoes, eggplants, and green peppers which are roasted on the fire and then served with the “khorovats” meat.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Spa Industry in Armenia

Wellness and spa centers are a rapidly growing sector of tourism industry. They attract tourists from all over the world. Wellness tourism includes spa, gym, meditation, yoga and many other physical and mental exercises that make us much healthier. The term 'spa' derives from Latin acronym sanitas per aqua which is translated as 'health through water'. And as Armenia abounds in mineral water it is one of the greatest resort countries in the world. 

The geographical location of Armenia, its mineral water, air, nature, and climate is favorable for health industry. There are several recreational areas in Armenia that offer a great deal of health centers where one can be fully relaxed and well treated. These centers offer spa and wellness services, physical fitness activities as well as healthful cuisine. Such areas include Tsaghkadzor, Jermuk, Dilijan, Arzni, Hankavan, Dzoraghbyur, etc. 

Jermuk is known as a town of spa treatment and climate-therapeutic wellness resort. The air is clean and the odor of trees and flowers is spread everywhere. It is known for its mineral water which is exported to other countries as well. It can be used both externally and internally and in both cases it certainly has good influence on our health. Here 'Jermuk Ashkhar' health center complex is situated where one can get a good treatment which includes external and internal use of mineral water; physiotherapy; diet therapy; climate-therapy.

Another resort town is Arzni where 'Health Resort Arzni' is located. The main treatment factors here are mineral water and mountainous climate with low barometric pressure. The water here is very healthy as, for example, it improves the blood circulation and the nutrition of the heart muscle. The health resort here offers baths with mineral water; clay therapy; treatment of spine problems; hydrotherapy: underwater massage, circular, radial, vertical and rain showers; manual therapy: massage, therapeutic exercises, walks in alleys etc.

Hankavan resort area is situated in the picturesque canyon of the river and is surrounded by mountains covered with thick woods. The main curative sources of Hankavan are mountainous climate and mineral water. There are many mineral springs and also places where one can have a bath in mineral water. Here 'Ani Resort' Hankavan holiday house  is situated where wellness services are offered.

Dzoraghbyur, which translates “spring in a canyon”, is also a well known village in Kotayk region, so close to Yerevan and so different in climate.  It is known as resort area, cool and clean air, isolated where one can have great rest and relaxation.  In this small village another spa resort, called Aya Maria Spa Resort Center is located.  Visitors can have different spa services, such as capsule, peeling, wrapping, massages, art therapy and more.

So Armenia provides a wide range of wellness spa centers where one can have healthy rest, fully relax as well as restore good health.

This article has also been published in Artipot.com and Trifter.com

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Festivals in Armenia

Every year a number of festivals take place in Armenia during which the visitors have the opportunity to get to know about the Armenian culture, customs and traditions, rituals, delicious cuisine, traditional clothing, etc.

One of the best known festivals in Armenia is 'Areni Wine Festival' which takes place in Areni village. It is a well-known fact that the Armenians are famous for their wine production and the tradition of wine-making has been preserved since ancient times. As we know when Noah's ark rested on the Biblical Mount Ararat, Noah started to cultivate grapes on the slope of this mount. From then on the grape cultivation and hence wine-producing became a tradition in the Ararat valley.

During 'Areni Wine Festival' wine-producing factories as well as individual producers present their wine and one has the opportunity to taste wines and choose the best one according to their taste. During this festival a number of events are organized: wine-making and tasting, food-making and tasting, singing and dancing, as well as various games and competitions. 

During this festival several contests are organized, such as 'Armenia in your eyes' best wine label contest; 'Gold Keg' prize for the best wine among the best wine-producers; Homemade wine-producers contest; 'The best souvenir of the festival'.

Another festival which is worth taking part in is the 'Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival' which is held annually in Yerevan. During this festival new works by Armenian film directors and producers as well as foreign cinematographers of Armenian origin are presented the theme of which is Crossroads of Cultures and Civilizations. It promotes creativity and originality in the area of cinema and video art. The major awards at this festival are the Golden Apricot and Silver Apricot prizes for feature, documentary and Armenian panorama films. 

The main theatre festival in Armenia which takes place annually from October 1 to 8, is 'HIGH FEST International Theater Festival'. It hosts more than 300 artists from 30 different countries (the USA, the UK, Russia, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Israel, Latvia, Croatia and many others) in the world. In the framework of this festival productions in all genres of performing arts are presented such as theatre (drama, comedy, circus, street performances, mime as well as puppetry performances), dance (modern, folk, classic, etc.), music (opera, classical, contemporary, jazz, folk, etc.), etc. The aim of this festival is to create a global culture of collaboration and inspiration.

The Armenians are famous for their handicrafts as well. 'Arts and Crafts Festival' held in Gyumri, Shirak region, is a great opportunity to admire the works by Armenian handy craftsmen, artists, jewelers, carpet weavers and sculptors. This festival includes various events as well, such as theatre performances, national songs and dances, interesting games, etc. The guests are also treated to national dishes. 

The Armenians have their unique national clothing known as Armenian garb (taraz). Apart from being a dress, it signifies much more. By the color and from of taraz it was possible to guess whether the person was married or not and even how many children he/she had. The essential part of women's taraz was the apron on the corners of which a life tree was growing which expressed the idea of couple's prosperity. At the 'Armenian National Cloths Festival (Taraz)' one has the opportunity to see colorful garbs, to learn about the meanings of the colours as well as to enjoy Armenian national music, dances and different performances including puppet performances. 

Those who like the Armenian cuisine can enjoy delicious dishes during several festivals such as 'Bread in the Mountains', 'Tolma Festival', 'Barbeque Festival'. During these festivals individual cooks as well as representatives of different restaurants represent old and new, known and unknown Armenian dishes in separate booths. You will have the opportunity to taste the Armenian traditional dishes as well as to take their recipes. 

So after taking part in abovementioned festivals one will surely get the picture of the Armenian rich culture and unique traditions.  

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Enjoy your rest in Armenian SPAs

spa center

A spa is a place where mineral water, sometimes sea water and other resources are used for the purpose of improving health, beauty and relaxation. Day spa was always required and nowadays it is considered to be one of the most popular businesses. 

There are many modern spas in Armenia, which offer very effective therapies. The grape and wine spa shall give you an opportunity to feel the magic strength of the Ararat valley sweet grape. Sinking  into the wine bath, you will feel the energy of the Armenian sunny grape, which makes you strong and young. 

Armenian famous “Wine and Grape SPA”, situated in Yerevan, offers you grape and wine bath. It has magical effect on the skin. Still in ancient times the queens used masks and cream made of grape and wine. Your body shall acquire beauty and freshness in the grape and wine spas. It is very effective to have grapeseed peeling, grapeseed oil masks and massage after the grape and wine steam bath. 
wine and grape spa

 Facial steam bath is made of the grape, wine, grape leaves. It shall widen the skin pores, improves the facial skin metabolism, the blood circulation, contributes to the prompt removal of the died cells. 
 Grape masks  have tightening, renewing, wrinkles removing, skin refreshing effects as there are many useful substances in the grape and wine. Of course, for different types of skin are used different types of grape and wine. After that a grapeseed oil facial massage is coming, which has  positive effect on the skin. It removes  nervous tension and improve the blood circulation. It helps to lose the extra weight and has anti-cellulite properties. 

We all  know about healing mineral water of Jermuk. Annually thousands of tourists come to Jermuk for healing purpose.
mineral water spa

 Jermuk “Armenia” Health Spa Hotel is situated in the very heart of Jermuk city. This hotel offers treatment of various diseases, such as gastrointestinal tract diseases, diseases of liver, gall-bladder, gynecological illnesses.

Aya Maria Spa center offers steam bath, peelings, wraps and other SPA services.  Traveling made easy by SPA tour organized by Sputnik.

  “Avanta SPA”offers various massages and therapies. Foam massage with bath peeling on a warm marble table and soapy massage stimulate circulation and tones the skin.
oil spa

Firming wrap, one of the most popular spa treatment, seems to be women’s favorite one. It helps to eliminate the cellulite and fight against excess weight. The high content of salt and algae mineralize and strengthen the issues. 
firming wrap spa

Indian head massage is an effective form of massage. The main movement of the massage is rubbing by which the specialist affects the scalp, neck and shoulders.

Foot and leg massage can help reduce stress, accelerate blood circulation. It calms the muscles of the feet, reduces pressure on the toes.

Sport massage is another form of massage, it restores the body after intense physical stress. It has intensive effect on the blood vessels and an increase of muscle strength.

Thai massage has thousands years of practice of curative effect on the human body. Thai massage is concentrated on the relief of human senses because its impact on various acupuncture points along the energy lines of the body.

stone spa

What about famous stone therapy! It is based on the temperature and energy impact of stones combined with elements of reflexotherapy. 54 black hot and 18 white cold stones are used during the procedure. 

I think you agree with me that aroma massage is a great pleasure. Due to aromas and natural essential oils you feel a deep relaxation. It restores your mental clarity, reduces stress, makes skin elastic and beautiful. Relaxing music and fine fragrances, scented candles activate whole body energetic system and create an aura of comfort and harmony. 
aroma spa

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Enjoy Armenian Cuisine in Armenia!

Armenian khorovats

Armenian cuisine includes the foods and cooking techniques of the Armenian people, the Armenian diaspora and traditional Armenian foods and dishes.  The Armenians have old recipes of dishes, which are known and favorite not only in Armenia, but also out of its borders. Like anywhere, the best food in Armenia is home cooking. Khorovats, khash, harissa, kufta, dolma, spas are Armenian national dishes. 

 Khorovats is very tasty Armenian barbecue, which is national food. It is the most representative dish of Armenian  cuisine served and enjoyed in restaurants and family gatherings. It is also one of the best fast food in Armenia. Khorovats is often made with the cuts of pork and potatoes. Armenians outside Armenia usually prefer lamb or beef depending on their background, and chicken is also popular. It is very tasty, when it is made in tonir. 

Armenian khash
Armenians look forward cold weather for eating khash early in the morning. It consists of beef, pork or lamb feet that have been slow-cooked overnight in water. It is an old tradition, when all friends and relatives get together to eat tasty khash with crushed garlic and over crumbled dried lavash. Lavash, popular national Armenian bread, is a very thin layer of bread. A vegetarian version of khash replaces the meat with lentils. This version is also served over crumbled dry lavash but is topped with fried onions.

Armenian harissa

Harissa is a porridge made of wheat and chicken meat cooked together for a long time, originally in the tonir but nowadays over a stove. Traditionally, harissa was prepared on feast days in communal pots and served to all comers. The wheat used in harissa is typically shelled wheat. Lamb or beef is also used as the harissa meat. It is served with butter. 

Kufta is a stuffed meatball made with beef or lamb. It is cooked in the water. One should  cook it professionally for having meatballs. It is served sliced with butter. Now it is also served fried with mushrooms. 
Armenian kufta

Armenian wrapped and stuffed dolma

In Armenian cuisine, both wrapped and stuffed dolma is made. Wrapped dolma may use grape leaves (Armenians usually call it terevov tolma) or cabbage leaves (this one is called tpov tolma). Stuffed dolma may use eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, onions. Stuffings typically include lamb, beef or pork combined with rice and herbs. Often, several stuffed vegetables are cooked together.
Armenian wrapped dolma

Spas is tasty and healthy Armenian soup, which may be served hot in the winter as soup or in a hot summer as a cool and refreshing drink. It consists of matzoon, groats  and greens. My Russian friends liked it very much and always asked me to cook it for them. 

Armenian spas

It does take some knowledge of Armenian food to enjoy the full variety, and you need to understand that recipes are prepared seasonally, using the freshest meats, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices available.  You can enjoy Armenian national dishes by visiting us!