Kamis, 30 September 2010

Conferencing in Gyumri: Work and Fun!

Armenia's second largest city of Armenia is Gyumri, (soviet name Leninakan), and also historically called Kumayri. Well known by its humorous people, easy-going, talkative and friendly.  Best about all, is the "can do" nature, which makes it possible now to share with you possibility to develop conferencing tourism there.  It has been challenge first to find facilities for 120 professionals both to have serious dialogue and discussions and to move smoothly into the atmosphere of party and fun, and socializing.

All the equipment and furniture for the workshop were arranged in a great setting or a complex called Oasis. It is located with a large and clean park in Gyumri center, roofing part of the park without cutting any tree or plan there.

Registration of the workshop participants was done before the entrance, and showcasing companies' posters and brochures nicely lined right after the entrance in the hall surrounded with plants and trees.

Conferencing area was comfortably arranged in one of the rooms, and chairs, tables, microphone, screen and all the equipment were provided.

Social interactions with colleagues and participants of the conference in a green setting right outside of the conference room.

Fun after the hard work :)

Kamis, 23 September 2010

Armenian Baptism

Let's view very sweet video and some photos on the theme without explanations.

Jumat, 17 September 2010

Armenia is in Party These Days

Armenia's Independence Day is especially colorful in Yerevan. Celebrations start 21 September around 6:00pm usually in the Republic Square.

Armenian music is unique in that it incorporates peasant, secular and ceremonial rhythms in all its styles, and can easily be identified as a "mountain music" in the way it imitates the elements and natural surroundings.  At the same time, the music of Armenia has been constantly evolving throughout its history, incorporating new dimensions while retaining the core of its own specific sound.

You can partake and experience the fullness of culture the Republic Square Yerevan alone, not to mention other squares, such as, Cascade, Komitas Conservatory, and many others.

Senin, 13 September 2010

Armenian Stonehenge Older ...

Ancestral Armenians shared a rich oral history with their Near Eastern neighbors, including a very old form of the Flood Epic, shared by Assyrians, Babylonians and Sumerians.  Believed to be the spot where Noah and his son’s descended when the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat, some say the Ararat valley is also the location of the first city after the Biblical Flood, and that Armenians are direct descendants of Noah. 

The first mention of Armenia in writing is the ca. 4000 BC Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, where the country was described as a rich country where you must “go by mountain, return by water.”

Carved on Armenia’s mountain tops are hundreds of petroglyphs, dated to the Paleolithic (ca. 20,000 - 12,000 BC), Mesolithic (12,000 - 7,000 BC) and Neolithic (7,000 -5,000 BC) eras.  Forerunners of the Indo-European language, these markings illustrate a time when mankind first pictured the world as round, created constellations and signs of the zodiac and divided time into months, weeks and days.

Prehistoric sites include the 4200 BC Karahundj Observatory (“Armenia’s Stonehenge”).  Karahunj, also known as Zorats Karer, one of Armenia’s oldest and most mysterious archaeological sites located in the southeastern Syunik province. Basically, it’s a cluster of more than 200 big stones scattered over a mountain plateau. Just how old they are and what they had served for is still a matter of scientific debate.

A more recent international expedition led by Oxford University astrophysicist Mihran Vardanyan found that the site mirrors the Cygnus/Swan constellation which appears in the form of vulture on ancient maps of the night sky.

Some Armenian scientists see a link between Karahunj and England’s world-famous Stonehenge. Not only that, but they say it is older than Stonehenge in England.

“Kar” means “stone” in Armenian and “hunj” sounds so similar to “henge.” A team of Oxford researchers is due to start another expedition to Karahunj this September.

Hopefully they will shed more light on its mystery.

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Armenia for Short Stay Travelers

Take a Walking Tour in Yerevan of Old Abovian Quarter, which combines graceful hallmarks of Armenia’s 19th century Belle Époque with the towering examples of the New Yerevan, modernist buildings that are filling the center.  Stroll down Mashtots Avenue; through Ring Park; or take short hike into the Hrazdan Canyon.

Yerevan is more than a capital, it is also one of the oldest cities in Armenia, with its historical and cultural museums, monuments, evidences allover the city mixed and surrounded with the modern cafes, fountains, bars and restaurants. 

Yerevan had become center for Armenians allover the world.  For a short stay worth visiting Erebuni Museum (historical), Matenadaran (manuscripts museum), Vernissage (outside crafts market) an entertaining folk concert, usually happening Friday nights.  Still you haven't seen Sergey Parajanov's Museum (artist, sculptor and filmmaker), Sunday mass in St. Sargis Monastery, haven't taken a tour in Yerevan Brandy Factory and missed Cascade Museum, Central food market ("Prospekti Shuka"), singing fountains, and so on and so forth.  You would want to come back again to visit an artist's family and have coffee and watch him curving or painting, and still more time to just sit in an outside cafes, enjoy cool and colorful fall evenings.

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Weekend in Stepanavan

Great!  So we are going to explore mysteries and secret sites of Stepanavan this weekend.  It's a small city on a dramatic green plateau beside the remarkable gorge of the Dzoraget river, in Lori marz. Watch and listen to the hymn of Stepanavan. 

Stepanavan Dendropark is great inspiration and will be the highlight of the first day Dendropark is a 35 ha botanical garden full flowers, trees and plants from all over the world. It is a nice place for meditation, rest and enjoying nature. Also, it is known for healing respiratory sicknesses. Outside of the fences there is a beautiful place for picnic where we will have a snack and will continue our trip to Stepanavan. We will have a nice lunch at Stepanavan Resort II, a newly built international standard hotel and prepare for going to Dzoraget River for enjoying the evening – swimming, playing cards, badminton, etc. and enjoy barbeque. A warm discotheque will wait for us in the Resort for the night with cocktails and hot music.

Second day will start with a glass of warm coffee at the Resort and enjoying the sunrise. After breakfast we will go to Kuybishev Lake which is the only place where you see the while Caucasian lilies. There we will gather thyme, fish, pick up bulrushes and enjoy the scenery. Anahit Holiday hotel with its fairy tale restaurant is the place where we chose to have lunch – barbequed trout, chicken and enjoy the beautiful nature. Evening will be full of sight visits in Stepanavan area. We will be visiting Lori Fortress which is Xth century fortress surrounded by gorges on three sites. More pictures and stories can be viewed at http://www.stepanavan.net./

“Loretsis” treasure their local traditions, folk art and costumes, many of which are on display at folk museums at Stepanavan, Vanadzor, Kurtan and Alaverdi.  Among legends prized by locals are tales of the hunters of Lalvar, renowned for their bravery, honesty, and respect for nature.  Never taking more than was needed, the hunters maintained a balance between man and his natural surroundings. 

Written by Taguhi Sahakyan

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Yerevan Summer Nights

Daytime heat cools down and the fresh and gentle wind calls everyone out from shelters.  Very relaxing to loosely walk, enjoy the breeze, sit in outside cafes, watch fountains and listen to the music.

Movie House "Moscow"

There are no rush or hassle, number of slowly wondering pedestrians grow in the streets, everyone looks forward to a pleasant peaceful compassion before the nap. It's safe in Yerevan; soft feeling of security and pleasant welcoming atmosphere everywhere in lightened streets in the Center of Yerevan.

Nightlife is vibrant in Yerevan, night spots staying open to the wee hours of the morning.  Venues are plentiful and varied; from outdoor cafes and theme restaurants with live music and dance floors, to progressive discos, clubs, bars and entertainment centers.

Yerevan Municipality

Republic Square